central tendency

central tendency
French\ \ tendance centrale
German\ \ Tendenz zur Mitte
Dutch\ \ centrale tendentie
Italian\ \ tendenza centripeta
Spanish\ \ tendencia central
Catalan\ \ tendència central
Portuguese\ \ tendência central
Romanian\ \ -
Danish\ \ midtpunktssøgende tendens
Norwegian\ \ sentraltendens
Swedish\ \ centraltendens
Greek\ \ κεντρική τάση
Finnish\ \ keskittyneisyys
Hungarian\ \ centrális tendencia
Turkish\ \ merkezi eğilim
Estonian\ \ keskne tendents (jaotusel)
Lithuanian\ \ centrinė tendencija
Slovenian\ \ centralna tendenca
Polish\ \ tendencja centralna
Russian\ \ центральная тенденция
Ukrainian\ \ середнє значення(розподілу)
Serbian\ \ централна тенденција
Icelandic\ \ miðlægt gildi; dæmigert gildi; miðleitni; miðsækni
Euskara\ \ zentrurako joera; erdigunerako joera
Farsi\ \ -
Persian-Farsi\ \ گرايش به مرکز
Arabic\ \ نزعة مركزية
Afrikaans\ \ sentrale neiging
Chinese\ \ 集 中 趋 势
Korean\ \ 중심경향성, 중심성향

Statistical terms. 2014.

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  • central tendency — (measures of) A statistical term applied to the central value in a frequency distribution commonly referred to as the average. Depending on the level of measurement of the variable (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and the shape of the… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • central tendency — noun : the degree of clustering of the values of a statistical distribution that is usually measured by the arithmetic mean, mode, or median * * * Statistics. the tendency of samples of a given measurement to cluster around some central value. Cf …   Useful english dictionary

  • central tendency — Statistics. the tendency of samples of a given measurement to cluster around some central value. Cf. measure of central tendency. [1925 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • central tendency measures of — central tendency (measures of) A statistical term applied to the central value in a frequency distribution commonly referred to as the average. Depending on the level of measurement of the variable (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and the… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • central tendency — noun Date: circa 1928 the degree of clustering of the values of a statistical distribution that is usually measured by the arithmetic mean, mode, or median …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • measure of central tendency — Statistics. a statistic that in some way specifies the central tendency of a sample of measurements, as the mean, median, or mode. * * * …   Universalium

  • measure of central tendency — Statistics. a statistic that in some way specifies the central tendency of a sample of measurements, as the mean, median, or mode …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tendency — The word tendency is often used by left wing groups for an organized unit or political faction within the group. It may also refer to:* Bleeding tendency * Central tendency * Debs Tendency * Direct Action Tendency * Fist and Rose Tendency *… …   Wikipedia

  • central — central, focal, pivotal are more closely comparable when they mean dominant or most important than when they refer to a literal or material point (as a center, focus, or pivot). Central applies to what is regarded as the center because more… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Central Reorganisation Committee, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) — Central Reorganization Committee, Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist), a communist group in India 1979 1991. The Secretary of the All India Leading Committee of the CRC, CPI(ML) was K. Venu. The main organ of CRC, CPI(ML) was called Mass… …   Wikipedia

  • Меры центральной тенденции (central tendency measures) — Назначение М. ц. т. служить сводными количественными характеристиками, обеспечивающими наилучшее описание множества наблюдений или оценок одним единственным числом. Термины М. ц. т. и «средняя величина» часто употребляются как равнозначные, хотя… …   Психологическая энциклопедия

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